While I'm complaining, I may as well say that the new launcher sucks, plus I dislike buying DLC. It seems that most Youtubers immediately 'Pause' the game, as I do. It seems like wasted effort and money.įurthermore, why does the game start with the game running instead of paused. While I'm on the topic, why do you have to build a small section of road to unlock some other roads at the start? I've seen many Youtubers just build it, then delete it and move on. I played it completely vanilla when it came out, second city got to 130k, but it was super slow because I had to budget stuff and wait for money to unlock hugely expensive prerequisites for stuff I actually wanted. Yes, you get a partial refund, but I make a lot of little mistakes and that eats up money quickly. Id much rather spend my time designing my city and putting stuff that needs to go in straight away rather than wait for the money to be right. I always pause the game when building, but still make mistakes and -hate- being charged for them, so I would like to be 're-imbursed' for the mistake. How to get Unlimited Money in Cities Skylines Sportsmonkey 13.

There's also some assets in the Workshop that give you insane income if you'd rather go that route. Cities: Skylines Money Cheat, Hard Mode, Unlock All The developers included some in-built. You have to choose to turn it on, but it's there.
The underlying problem is that there is no "undo" button as far as I know. < 1 2 > Showing 1 - 15 of 29 comments Caz 12:59am There's actually an Unlimited Money mod built into the base game.The issue is that I'm frugal and like to play with the challenge of limited funds. Is there a money cheat to give myself, for example, an extra $10k? I know about unlimited money but I don't think that's what I want, plus doesn't that mess with the game? I'm not sure about the game effects plus it's kind of a hassle to load the content manager, enable money, make changes to my file, save, exit, go back to content manager and disable the unlimited money, then re-open my file.